Name | NRSP MFBL |
Category | Banks |
Do you have female staff ? | Yes |
Female staff | Approx80 |
Transgender staff | 0 |
Total staff | Approx 1500 |
Phone | 062-2285126-111 |
Fax | 062-2280051 |
Website | |
Address | NRSP Bank Head Office University Road Bahawalpur |
Zip | 63100 |
City | Bahawalpur |
Province | Punjab |
Have you appointed your Inquiry Committee | YES |
Have you displayed the Code of Conduct in your office | YES |
Specify location where Code of Conduct is displayed in your office | Head Office and all Branches at work places |
Have you given a briefing to the members of the inquiry Committee on the Code | YES |
Have you conducted any Seminar or an Awareness Session for your staff or related departments on the new legislation | NO |
Date of Seminar or Awareness Session | 0000-00-00 |
Did your organization have any policy to address sexual harassment before passage of this law | YES |
Have you appointed your Focal Person | NO |
Full Name | |
Zafar Iqbal , Senior Mgt , Ms. Rehana Yasmin, Female Staff, Haji Younis senior member | |