Watan Development Organization (WDO)

Civil Society

NameWatan Development Organization (WDO)
CategoryCivil Society
Do you have female staff ?Yes
Female staff16
Transgender staff0
Total staff47
AddressOpposite Keenjhar Restaurant by pass Road, Gambat, District Khairpur (Mirs) Sindh Pakistan

Compliance Details

Have you appointed your Inquiry CommitteeNO
Have you displayed the Code of Conduct in your officeNO
Specify location where Code of Conduct is displayed in your office
Have you given a briefing to the members of the inquiry Committee on the CodeNO
Have you conducted any Seminar or an Awareness Session for your staff or related departments on the new legislationNO
Date of Seminar or Awareness Session0000-00-00
Did your organization have any policy to address sexual harassment before passage of this lawNO
Have you appointed your Focal PersonNO

Commitee Members

Full NameEmail
Ashiq A Miraniwatandevelopment.org@gmail.com
Yaar Muhammadwatandevelopment.org@gmail.com
Miss. Suria Gilalwatandevelopment.org@gmail.com
Azeet Kumar Alias Ajeet Kumarwatandevelopment.org@gmail.com
Ariz Inyat Marakhandwatandevelopment.org@gmail.com
Faiz Muhammad Tuniowatandevelopment.org@gmail.com
Faiz Muhammad Tuniowatandevelopment.org@gmail.com
Abdul Samee Khemtiowatandevelopment.org@gmail.com